
Quanticate, headquartered in the UK and USA, is a specialist global Clinical Research Organization (CRO) primarily focused on the management, analysis and reporting of data from clinical trials and post-marketing surveillance. Quanticate has a passion for excellence and provides high-quality, efficient outsourcing solutions for companies who need additional capacity or who want to outsource certain activities in their entirety. Clinical trial management and post-marketing services include scalable on-site and off-site clinical data management, biostatistics, clinical programming, PK/PD analysis, medical writing, pharmacovigilance and consultancy. Quanticate is the first CRO to introduce the Centralized Service Provision (CSP) approach to outsourcing supported by its data centralization and visualization tool, CliQ, for both single study and cross-study data analysis.
- Africa
- Australia
- Europe
- North America
- South America
Therapeutic Areas
- Bone / Osteoporosis
- Cardiovascular
- Dermatology
- Diabetes
- Endocrinology
- Gastroenterology
- Genetic Diseases
- Hematology
- Hepatology
- Immunology
- Infectious Diseases
- Inflammation
- Internal Diseases
- Metabolic Diseases
- Musculoskeletal
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- Nutrition and Health
- Obstetrics / Gynecology
- Oncology
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopedics
- Otolaryngology/ENT (Ear/Nose/Throat)
- Pediatrics / Neonatology
- Pharmacology / Toxicology
- Podiatry
- Psychiatry
- Pulmonary
- Respiratory
- Rheumatology
- Sleep
- Surgery
- Thrombosis
- Urology
- Vaccines