Foundations of JReview


Complete one of the following:

Rave EDC Essentials - All Roles or role-specific EDC Essentials
The All Roles or role-specific Recommended Module Combinations for RaveX and Cloud Administration

and Rave Reporter



This introductory-level course teaches users how to navigate through JReview to browse patient data, create simple reports and graphs, and perform other basic tasks.
Attendees will learn to:

  • Understand the purpose of JReview
  • Select patients and save objects
  • View data and add patient notes
  • Generate workbooks and graphs
  • Generate reports
  • Produce crosstab reports and risk analysis


One or more assessments are included as part of this course. Attendees must pass the assessment(s) to obtain credit for the course.

Recording of Global Education training sessions is strictly prohibited. Any attempts to record training will result in an immediate stoppage of training until recording is terminated.

Course Type



Data Managers, Reporting Specialists, Study Designers/Builders


~1 hour


English, Japanese


Rave EDC (Legacy)

Training Units


Course Supplements

Course Outline - Foundations of JReview

How To Register

Select the date and location to proceed to the registration and payment form.