Integrated Evidence

Medidata AI Integrated Evidence connects historical data from more than 33,000 cross-sponsor clinical trials and 10 million patient volunteers with real world data to deliver powerful insights and the necessary evidence clinical development leaders need to increase the probability of trial success.

Artificial intelligence and data can help fuel new ways of working on clinical trials and beyond.

Clinical Trial Data Informing Today’s Trials

Develop Powerful Insights

Medidata AI offers the world’s largest source of cross-sponsor, historical clinical trial data – made up of more than 33,000 trials, 10 million patients, and pre-integrated real world data (RWD) to offer solutions that give you the best chance of trial and regulatory success. Especially in a rapidly evolving clinical development landscape where RWD alone can often fall short in providing the insights and evidence necessary for your clinical development programs.

Increase probability of trial success

Medidata AI’s data, insights, and expertise give clinical development leaders and their trials the best chance at success – from a better designed trial, to a more scientifically-rigorous Synthetic Control Arm® (SCA®), to stronger positioning of a drug for commercialization.

Make evidence-based decisions

Rising costs, evolving standards of care, and decreased patient recruitment and retention all mean that making the right decisions earlier is more important than ever. Medidata AI provides powerful modeling along with deep regulatory, clinical, and commercial expertise to help you make evidence-based decisions with more confidence.

Key Features

Regulatory-grade Clinical Trial Data

Regulatory-grade Clinical Trial Data

Medidata AI Synthetic Control Arm and Trial Design provides truly “regulatory grade” data, containing traditional clinical trials style endpoints and complete covariate information, as they were designed in the clinical protocol, and subsequently captured, monitored and validated in the Medidata Rave electronic data capture (EDC) platform. The repository enables data-driven decision making by providing patient-level data in the common domains and over 100 harmonized variables.

Best-in-class Expertise

Our highly-qualified Synthetic Control Arm team includes former members of FDA, Pharma, and the research community with regulatory, biostatistics, data science and medical oncology expertise. 

We work in collaboration alongside sponsors to design better trials, interact with regulators and accelerate development.

Synthetic Control Arm

Synthetic Control Arm

Medidata AI Synthetic Control Arm has been a pioneer in defining adequate external controls and creating fit-for-purpose external controls for regulatory conversations and internal decision-making. Cohorts are built using patients drawn from previous clinical trials and selected by extracting patient-level data from the same indication, who met key eligibility criteria and were assigned to receive the standard of care. Statistical methods are then applied in a dynamic matching process that uses the baseline demographics and disease characteristics for each patient in the experimental trial to generate a historical patient group that closely matches the experimentally treated patients.

Integrated with Real World Data

Integrated with Real World Data

Future-proof your clinical trial and enhance your evidence generation activities. Allow sponsors to collect clinical trial data and link it at the patient level to real world data (RWD) — bridging evidence gaps to save time and feel more confident in their decision making.


White Paper: MIT Technology Review

Download this white paper, in partnership with MIT Technology Review, to learn how Celsion leverages Medidata’s detailed information from 23,000+ trials and 7 million patients to create “external control arms” and speed up the clinical trial process.

White Paper: Go/No Go Product Development Decisions by Reusing Patient Trial Data

Learn how synthetic controls enable new insights for oncology clinical development and mitigates go/no-go decision risk.

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