Rave Site Cloud: End of Study- Tasks for Administrators


This course covers various tasks and actions that administrators can perform in site cloud end of study.

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Transfer EOS media from the FTP server
  • View EOS Media transferred from Rave PDF Generator
  • Generate the EOS Import Report
  • Set up users and workflows, manage Access Rights and Workflow Maintenance
  • Archived EOS studies
  • Regrant site users access to archived studies

Recording of Global Education training sessions is strictly prohibited. Any attempts to record training will result in an immediate stoppage of training until recording is terminated.

Course Type



Clinical Trial Administrators


20 min




Regulated Content Management (RCM) - Site Cloud: EOS

Course Supplements

Course Outline - Rave Site Cloud: End of Study- Tasks for Administrators - ENG

How To Register

Select the date and location to proceed to the registration and payment form.