021423_AMER_Sensors WP: How Much Data
How Much Data Is Enough? A Reliable Methodology to Examine Long-Term Wearable Data Acquisition in Gait and Postural Sway
In certain clinical populations (e.g. those having a neurological disorder like multiple sclerosis), experience symptoms may fluctuate. As a result, a bi-annual clinic visit or in-lab assessment may not capture an accurate picture of their impairment, nor its variability. Remote observation with wearable sensors could enable a more accurate assessment of balance and mobility impairment that is sensitive to variability over time, and is captured while patients are engaging in their everyday lives.
This white paper demonstrates an approach for determining the wearable monitoring duration required to capture an accurate picture of impairment and its variability. The study, which was conducted by MDPI and Medidata, aims to establish this minimum monitoring period to balance patient burden, convenience, and cost.