The Importance of an Integrated Informatics Solution for Life Science Organizations


The Importance of an Integrated Informatics Solution for Life Science Organizations

The exorbitant cost of bringing a new pharmaceutical product to market in the U.S. is well documented, with estimates as high as 12 years and $2.6 billion USD. There are many factors that drive this cost, including rework due to a lack of access to information from previous experiments, loss of intellectual property (IP), and data mining inefficiency. For a drug development program to be successful, product and process knowledge should be managed along the entire product lifecycle. 

Over the last few decades, replacement of outdated paper-based data management systems has been identified as a means to accelerate this process. To satisfy the requirement of drug development companies for efficient data and technology transfer, standardization of data and technology transfer across the entire pharmaceutical product lifecycle is needed. 

Download this white paper to learn three keys to successful deployment of an integrated informatics solution which can address these issues.


The Importance of an Integrated Informatics Solution for Life Science Organizations