Medidata Academy Announces Updated course for Platform CTMS

In support of the 2020.1.0 release for Study Management and a feature release for a new Service Provider report, Medidata Academy‌ is happy to announce an update to the Study Management: Service Provider Tracking Overview eLearning course.

Updated eLearning Course

Service Provider Tracking Overview

This course covers the ‘Milestones’ feature in Study Management, CTMS. It is designed for users who will be planning and tracking Milestone dates at the Study, Country, or Site level.

Updates have been made to include feature enhancements for navigation and other general UI changes related to 2020.1.0, as well as an introduction to the new Service Provider Report. For more in-depth information, end-users should refer to the MEDS Reporter Knowledge Base.

The course is now available via iMedidata.Please contact your Medidata representative for enrollment.

If you have any questions about course content and eLearning access, please feel free to reach out to us at