Medidata Site Monitoring and Issue Management End User Training



Site Monitoring provides efficient monitoring of clinical studies with integrated workflows to improve the site monitor experience, aid proactive decision making, and reduce risk and costs to ultimately increase study performance, patient safety, and time to market for the drug or device.

This course gives attendees in depth training for the entire end user workflow in Site Monitoring, from planning the site visit all the way through finalizing the follow up letter. Management of issues and action items with Issue Management will also be covered in the course.

Recording of Global Education training sessions is strictly prohibited. Any attempts to record training will result in an immediate stoppage of training until recording is terminated.

Course Type

Instructor-led Web-based, 教员引导课堂教学


Monitors, Project Managers (Clinical)


Remote offering is 2 half day sessions.
Instructor Led Classroom style is 1 day.




Medidata Site Monitoring

Training Units



Please review the Medidata Academy Training Delivery Cancellation Policy prior to scheduling.

Course Supplements

How To Register

Select the date and location to proceed to the registration and payment form.