Medidata Blog

Meet a Medidatian: Marta S., Lead Product Manager and Proud Australian

Nov 02, 2020 - 2 min read
Meet a Medidatian: Marta S., Lead Product Manager and Proud Australian

Meet Marta, who takes care of product vision, strategy, and delivery. She determines requirements from customers and subject matter experts and ensures those requirements translate into products our customers love.

Hometown: Brisbane, Australia.

Currently live: London, UK.

Years at Medidata? I’ve worked at Medidata for three and a half years.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a songwriter. I dreamed of writing the songs I heard on the radio!

Why did you join Medidata? I’m keen to make a difference in the clinical healthcare industry, helping improve peoples’ lives with the product management skills that I can contribute. Medidata’s mission resonated with me.

Where did you work before Medidata? Prior to Medidata I worked for a small company as a product owner of a product called VitalPAC (Vital Personal Assistant to the Clinician), an iOS app used by doctors and nurses in hospitals to help identify and prevent patient deterioration.

What is your favorite part of being a Medidatian? I get to wear a Medidata superhero T-shirt!

What is your favorite project or moment during your time at Medidata? In late 2017, we delivered the first production version of Site Monitoring, the monitoring component of our platform CTMS. It was a huge achievement brought about by many months of hard work and dedication. It was uplifting and motivating to see the teams come together to reach this goal.

What's your favorite Medidata perk or benefit? The opportunities to attend conferences and attend training courses are brilliant. Medidata has a strong focus on learning and development which I see as one of the best benefits.

Favorite food? I love noodle soups—I think it's a square tie between Malaysian Laksa and Vietnamese Pho. The best Pho in London is at Mama Pho in Surrey Quays.

Where is your favorite place on earth? The Spit at the Gold Coast, Australia. There’s nothing better than fish and chips on the beach with your toes in the white sand, sun shining, and sea salt in the air.

What is your favorite animal? Giraffes. They are a little bit awkward but stand tall and proud!

If you could be anyone who would you be? Myself :) Everyone has problems; if you could see everyone else’s you’d be happy with your own.

What’s your favorite quote? “This too shall pass.” A reminder that life is fleeting. When times are bad remember that it won’t always be this way, and when times are good, remember to enjoy every moment.

Our Medidatians are all unique and amazing in their own ways. In our Meet a Medidatian series, we introduce you to Medidata employees from all over the world and share some interesting, fun, and surprising facts about what makes them who they are. Check out the full series.

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