Precision Oncology Trials
White Paper
How Clinical Development Technology Enhances the Success of Precision Oncology Trials
As the complexity of precision oncology trials continues to increase — due to breakthroughs in genomics and advances in real-world data — drug developers will face the paradox of patient scarcity in the presence of an abundance of disparate data. To solve this paradox, developers will need to adopt clinical development technologies and incorporate advanced analytics, allowing for the efficient collection, aggregation, and integration of data, in addition to revealing undiscovered relationships in collected data.
These technologies can help investigators overcome some of the common pitfalls of precision oncology drug development while increasing clinical trial efficiency and accelerating product market entry.
Download this white paper to learn how to:
- Create realistic protocols, while satisfying complex and evolving regulatory requirements
- Incorporate a well-defined strategy to address patient scarcity
- Manage and monitor trial performance and interpret data for midtrial adjustments
- Harness innovative strategies to leverage the massive bodies of data being generated